The easiest way to clamp the nuts, hitchpins rails, bridges, and soundboard during installation is the use of a go-bar deck. A go-bar deck big enough for a harpsichord requires a large structure with a strong "ceiling". Wooden or synthetic bars, slightly longer than the distance between the part being glued and the go-deck's ceiling provide the clamping pressure. Lacking a go-bar deck, nails can be used as clamps, but often leave unsightly holes. Clamps can be used when there is adequate space for their use. This is one reason why I prefer to do these glue ups before the soundboard or pinblock is installed. Once clamped, there is always excess glue that seeps out from under the piece being clamped and, if allowed to dry, creates a mess around the glued part that is very difficult to remove. Wiping the excess with a moist rag only speads the glue around and will show up when shellac or some other finish is applied to the area. What works best for me is to rub some paste wax into the surrounding areas before apply the clamps. Once dry, the glue is easy to remove as glue will not stick to wax.